Two-sample t-test & z-test: It is now possible to compute Monte-Carlo-approximated p-values, which are reliable on non-normal data. Available in all XLSTAT solutions.
MaxDiff analysis now allows you to automatically load your data from a design generated with XLSTAT. Available in XLSTAT-Marketing and XLSTAT-Premium.

Discrimination tests: 3 new types of confidence intervals have been added. Available in XLSTAT-Sensory, XLSTAT-Marketing and XLSTAT-Premium.

Panel Analysis: The table of maximum range accross products for each judge is now provided even when there is no session but repetitions. Available in XLSTAT-Sensory, XLSTAT-Marketing and XLSTAT-Premium.

Distribution fitting: A faster maximum Likelihood estimation is now made available for all distributions. Confidence intervals have been added on the parameter estimations. Available in all XLSTAT solutions.