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More information about "Trainings" can be found on our info-page. (click to view!)
Minitab - Quality by Design
This 3-day training introduces the concepts of Quality by Design (QbD) and Design of Experiments (DoE). Learn now how to apply QbD for your pharmazeutical applications to benefit from the whole flexibility granted by approved design spaces! The statistical software Minitab will be used.
Minitab - Quick Guide to Statistical Methods of Quality Control
The course for Minitab users in quality assurance!
Professional Data Analysis and Representation with SYSTAT
The one-day-crash-course for SYSTAT-power-users! Get the most out of the software!
Quality by Design
This three-day training introduces the concepts of Quality by Design (QbD) and Design of Experiments (DoE). Learn now how to apply QbD for your pharmazeutical applications to benefit from the whole flexibility granted by approved design spaces!
R - Datamining
During 3 days you will learn how to use R for the analysis of Big Data! Get all you need for a successful Data-Mining-project with R!
R - Explorative Data Analysis
This two-day-training introduces the student to the typical workflow in data analysis with R! Learn how to import, manage, visualize and present your data!
R - Linear Models
This two-day-training covers the most important models in statistics: ANOVA and Regression! Learn how to specify, validate and interpret linear models in R!
R - Multivariate Methods
In this two-days training you're learning the application of multivariate statistical methods with the free statistical software "R".
R - Reporting
Learn how to create professional standard reports in R in just one day!
Six Sigma - Black Belt
You become an expert for methods, statistics and project management when you qualify as Six Sigma Black Belt. You will plan, lead, run as well as overlook several six sigma projects.
Six Sigma - Green Belt
Six Sigma Green belts can use the methods economically as well as in form and content. You are responsible for complex Six Sigma projects.
Six Sigma - Yellow Belt
Yellow Belts can run small Six Sigma projects and thus contribute to a solution.
Statgraphics - Analysing Series of Measurements
The course for engineers and technicians who use Statgraphics for data evaluation!
Statgraphics - Design of Experiments
Learn how to use the concepts of Design of Experiments to optimize your products and processes. As part of this training the statistical analysis of DoE-data is covered, so that you get the most out of your data!
Statgraphics - Introduction
This one-day-training teaches you how to work with statgraphics and is a nice refresher for your statistic skills!
Statgraphics - Introduction to Data Analysis
Not just a refresher! This two-day-training is a comprehensive course in using the most important statistical methods with statgraphics.
Statgraphics - Quality Control (SPC)
The one-day-training for engineers analyzing quality data with statgraphics!
Training - Data Mining
This three-day-training covers the basic applications and methods of Data Mining. Special focus lies on prediction models.
Training - General Statistics
This two-days long course is focussed on the basic statistical concepts and measures.